What is our Quick Start Guide to Writing Your Blog?

January 11, 2010 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Blog Topics 
Quick Start Guide to Writing Your Blog

Quick Start Guide to Writing Your Blog

Many small business owners and entrepreneurs may think that blogging is just one more chore to add to their marketing list. But actually blogging for your business can be fun and create results, as long as you know what you want from your blog and how to go about getting that.

After teaching over 20 blogging workshops in 2009, the year we launched the Breakfast Blogging Club, we (Cheryl Liquori and Beth Barany) have distilled our knowledge into a fun and useful (and free) Quick Start Guide to Writing Your Blog. Read more

2010 Blogging Plan: Part 5 of 5

January 8, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Blog Topics 

Wow! We’ve done a lot so far for our 2010 Blogging Plan and now we’re in the home stretch.  Before we conclude our efforts with the final stage of the plan, let’s recap the previous 4 steps:

Step 1:  Business Goals – those specific, motivating, actionable, relevant and time-bound goals for your business.  Seeing how your blog supports your business goals will make it easier to maintain a blog.

Step 2:  Positioning Your Blog – being clear on WHO you’re writing for will help you create content that people will benefit from and want to read. Read more

2010 Blogging Plan: Part 4 of 5

January 7, 2010 by · Comments Off on 2010 Blogging Plan: Part 4 of 5
Filed under: Blog Topics, Blogging Plan, Calendar 

So far we’ve covered the first three steps of a 2010 Blogging Plan. Those steps included:

Business Goals
Positioning Your Blog

writing contentStep 4 is the Content Plan for your blog.  This is where you plan what you’ll write about and what kinds of posts you can incorporate into your blog.  This may seem too structured for some.  But what we’ve found is that it helps to have a set schedule that guides your efforts.  Once you’ve got some momentum and experience, it’s easier to deviate and start improvising. Read more

2010 Blogging Plan: Part 2 of 5

January 6, 2010 by · Comments Off on 2010 Blogging Plan: Part 2 of 5
Filed under: Blog Topics, Marketing Tips 

Lion on a RockIn step 1 of your 2010 Blogging Plan we looked at overall business goals.  Before starting a blog, it’s important to clarify how it will fit in with the goals of your business.  How will the blog function as a tool for marketing? Will it help build a list of leads, promote a product or service, enhance web search rankings, build expertise, communicate with prospects and clients, all of the above, and more!??

That leads us to Step 2 of your 2010 Blogging Plan: Positioning.   Read more

2010 Blogging Plan: Part 1 of 5

January 1, 2010 by · Comments Off on 2010 Blogging Plan: Part 1 of 5
Filed under: Blog Topics, Goals 

“How does a blog make you money?”

If you’re going to use a blog as part of your online marketing strategy, you’ll need to answer this question.  But a clear answer can be illusive. It’s difficult to connect the dots that lead from blog post to revenue. Nevertheless, many businesses see blogging as a viable way to attract prospects, communicate with their customers, and serve as a real-time public relations channel.

But before jumping into the blogging pool party, make sure you know how to swim — or at least wearing those little arm floaties!  You need to know WHY you’re blogging and how it’ll fit into your overall business goals.  You’ve got to approach blogging like any other business and marketing activity….which means you need a PLAN! Read more

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