Blogging For Your Business: 4 Keys to Start

February 17, 2009 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Blog Topics, Marketing Tips, Writing Tips 

laptop-and-teaAs I stood in front of 10 pairs of eager, bright, and slightly caffeinated eyes at our first BBC meeting last week, I felt only a slight tinge of nervousness.  This was the result of 4 months of planning and organization that brought the kernel of an idea I had last fall into reality.  And I’m still amazed at how easy and fun it’s been all along the way.  My husband was shocked when I told him this because he knows me to be someone who tends to over-think things and make them seem harder than they really are.  Moi?!!

Thank God, Buddha and the Order of the Sacred Lily for blessed partnerships!  Thanks, Beth! Read more

Gratitude to Our Fellow Bloggers

February 11, 2009 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Workshops 

Breakfast Blogging Club Our first Breakfast Blogging Club Workshop was a delicious success!

A full workshop, nine cool people (and one no show) up to interesting endeavors, plus Cheryl and I (Beth), ate breakfast, talked about writing then actually blogged.

Here’s what one of our participants said:

“One of the best seminars about blogging I’ve taken. The first time I went to a seminar in a long time where I wished it was two hours longer!” — Judi Townsend, Mannequin Madness 

We’re excited to announce our next workshop, Tuesday, March 10, 9-11am, at the Z Cafe & Bar (same time and place). Over half of February’s participants have signed up for the March workshop, so we only have a few spots left. Contact us to secure your spot today. More details here.

Due to our success and the overwhelimg interest, we will open up a second date in March. We’ll keep you posted!

To Your Blogging Sucess!



