Next Blogging Workshop: Sept 8th
Filed under: Blog Topics, Calendar, Workshops

Co-Founders, Beth Barany and Cheryl Liquori
Join us for our next Breakfast Blogging Club workshop September 8th, 9 – 11:30am, at the Z Cafe and Bar in Oakland. Preregistration required because we only have room for 15 bloggers. See our About page for more details.
You can register by emailing us through this site’s contact form. Or, register through our page on
Topic: How to Get More Comments on Your Blog
And, we’ll write a post, of course!
See you there!
What are you passionate about?
Filed under: Blog Topics, Writing Tips
What are you passionate about?
How do you express your passion for your work? A perfect blogging topic for all kinds of writers.
Passion drives us, whether we realize it or not, usually it’s a combination of our passion for our profession, and for helping others. Read more
Beginner’s Mind
Beth Barany here…
I was recently reminded of being a beginner again when I started tutoring elementary school kids. At eight or nine years old, most everything you learn is for the first time. When the kids delight in using “Obama” in a Hangman spelling game, or express glee at a rearrange-the-letter phonics exercise, their wonder is contagious.
Secrets of the Breakfast Blogging Club
Join Dojo Radio host Lee Rodrigues and us, special guests Cheryl Liquori and Beth Barany, to learn the secrets to writing great blog posts.
Cheryl and Beth are the hosts and founders of the Breakfast Blogging Club, a series of monthly blogging workshops in Oakland and Pleasant Hill. In addition to answering your questions, they will share tips and writing exercises that will help you to define your target audience, make time to write, tailor your writing to a blogging format, and more.
If we’re lucky, they may even share the Breakfast Blogging Club’s secret handshake.
The show will air live on Wednesday, May 13 from 3-4PM PST (6-7PM EST) at If you can’t make it live, don’t worry — you can always listen to the archived version later.
Lee designs these radio shows to be as useful as possible — so tell us what you want to hear about!
Call In: The best way to ask a question is to call in to the show live at (646) 716-9210.
Chat: If you register at Blog Talk Radio, you can also participate and ask questions in the chat room during the show.
See you on the air!
Story Telling in Your Blog Posts
Cheryl and I (Beth Barany) had a wonderful Breakfast Blogging Club workshop last week in Oakland. Our topic of the day was how to write a success story. To a full house of entrepreneurs, we covered how to tell a compelling story in approximately 500 words, then covered how to create links in your post.