Blogging is Better in Community

June 7, 2010 by · Comments Off on Blogging is Better in Community
Filed under: Marketing Tips 

Women-Sitting-at-a-Cafe-Terrace-Print-C10121178Writing your blog can be like shouting into a canyon and getting no echo.

Do you ever feel that way?

I certainly did when I first started blogging.

There are two things that happened that changed that feeling of utter loneliness into a sense of community, and that can work for you to: Read more

2010 Blogging Plan: Part 3 of 5

January 7, 2010 by · Comments Off on 2010 Blogging Plan: Part 3 of 5
Filed under: Blogging Plan, linking 

The first step of the 2010 Blogging Plan was determining your Business Goals so you can clearly see how a blog fits into the big picture.  The second step was to clarify the Positioning of your blog so it’s easier to direct content and promote.

The third step of your 2010 Blogging Plan involves Engagement. Read more

Next Blogging Workshop: Sept 8th

August 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Next Blogging Workshop: Sept 8th
Filed under: Blog Topics, Calendar, Workshops 
Co-Founders, Beth Barany and Cheryl Liquori

Co-Founders, Beth Barany and Cheryl Liquori

Join us for our next Breakfast Blogging Club workshop September 8th, 9 – 11:30am, at the Z Cafe and Bar in Oakland. Preregistration required because we only have room for 15 bloggers.  See our About page for more details.

You can register by emailing us through this site’s contact form. Or, register through our page on

Topic: How to Get More Comments on Your Blog

And, we’ll write a post, of course!

See you there!