Next Blogging Workshop: Sept 8th

August 12, 2009 by · Comments Off on Next Blogging Workshop: Sept 8th
Filed under: Blog Topics, Calendar, Workshops 
Co-Founders, Beth Barany and Cheryl Liquori

Co-Founders, Beth Barany and Cheryl Liquori

Join us for our next Breakfast Blogging Club workshop September 8th, 9 – 11:30am, at the Z Cafe and Bar in Oakland. Preregistration required because we only have room for 15 bloggers.  See our About page for more details.

You can register by emailing us through this site’s contact form. Or, register through our page on

Topic: How to Get More Comments on Your Blog

And, we’ll write a post, of course!

See you there!

What are you passionate about?

August 5, 2009 by · Comments Off on What are you passionate about?
Filed under: Blog Topics, Writing Tips 

What are you passionate about?

How do you express your passion for your work? A perfect blogging topic for all kinds of writers.

Passion drives us, whether we realize it or not, usually it’s a combination of our passion for our profession, and for helping others. Read more

Adding Images – The Reality!

July 5, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Adding Images, Blog Topics 
Breakfast Blogging Club June '09

Breakfast Blogging Club June '09

We recently had our 11th meeting of the Breakfast Blogging Club.  It was a full house, with 10 participants – and even an unexpected drop in! – made welcome by Beth.  Thankfully we were able to squeeze everyone in…barely!

It was a special ‘Tech Clinic’ (our second) with guest presenter, Lee Rodrigues from the Technology Dojo.  Lee spoke to us about embedding images – where to find them (stealing, buying, making, & “borrowing”), how to embed them in your blog post, and how to edit them so they’re optimized. Read more

Your Blog Post Checklist

June 17, 2009 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Blog Topics 
Blog Post Check List

Blog Post Check List

When you’re first learning how to blog, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the shear volume of information out there.

Numerous other blogs, websites, articles, teleclasses, videos, books, coaching and podcasts are readily available to help you get started, stay motivated and achieve your blogging goals ~ whatever they are.

But whenever I’m looking at the El Capitan of information for something I need to learn, I like to break things down into steps and routines so it’s easier for me to apply.  That way I have a convenient guide that helps me be successful, and I build competence and confidence to then go to the next level of learning. Read more

Google Love Part 1: Importance of Outbound Links

May 3, 2009 by · Comments Off on Google Love Part 1: Importance of Outbound Links
Filed under: Blog Topics, linking 

During one of our recent Breakfast Blogging Club (BBC) meetings, I covered the basics on inserting links within your blog post. If you’re visiting for the 1st time, please excuse me if this post seems too basic for you.  We try to be as inclusive as possible with our material, and we’re finding BBC members are at different places on the blogging learning curve – from beginners to intermediate; and they’re traveling at different speeds, too – from slow & steady to Mach 5 with their hair on fire!

Having said that…here we go.

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