Cook Your Way to a Better Blog

June 22, 2010 by · Comments Off on Cook Your Way to a Better Blog
Filed under: Blogging, Writing Tips 

burgerBlogging and cooking are a lot alike.

Both require a minimum of planning, the right ingredients, some time, and a state of emotional readiness, a desire to please, and an end goal of pleasure. Both also create a tangible end result that creates an experience for the audience.

What are the ingredients for a good blog?

  • Know who you’re cooking for? Who is your target audience?
  • Know what your end result will be. If you’re cooking an omelet, you need to know that at the start. If you’re writing a list of do’s and don’t’s you need to know that, too.
  • What experience or result to you want you readers, your audience, to have? Just like you want to offer a savory or maybe a sweet meal to you and your loved ones, you need to know what kind of flavor or emotional experience you want to offer your blog readers. Read more