Story Telling in Your Blog Posts

April 21, 2009 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Blog Topics, Marketing Tips, Writing Tips 

April 14 BBC Oakland WorkshopCheryl and I (Beth Barany) had a wonderful Breakfast Blogging Club workshop last week in Oakland. Our topic of the day was how to write a success story. To a full house of entrepreneurs, we covered how to tell a compelling story in approximately 500 words, then covered how to create links in your post.

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Secrets to a Great Blogging Workshop

March 11, 2009 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Blog Topics, Marketing Tips, Workshops, Writing Tips 

Breakfast Blogging Club March 10, 2009

Greetings! Beth Barany here… Our March 10th Oakland workshop was full of fun and good writing. What made it such a success? I’ll let you in on a little secret… A great blogging workshop includes:

  • Full participation by our 10 participants
  • Great questions
  • Great exercises!
  • “Excellent facilitators!” — Janet Peischel, Marketing Consultant

“I am so grateful to Beth and Cheryl for providing this forum for new bloggers. Thank you both for assembling such a dynamic and creative group.” — Isabelle Choinere-Correa, Insights and Foresights

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Blogging For Your Business: 4 Keys to Start

February 17, 2009 by · 5 Comments
Filed under: Blog Topics, Marketing Tips, Writing Tips 

laptop-and-teaAs I stood in front of 10 pairs of eager, bright, and slightly caffeinated eyes at our first BBC meeting last week, I felt only a slight tinge of nervousness.  This was the result of 4 months of planning and organization that brought the kernel of an idea I had last fall into reality.  And I’m still amazed at how easy and fun it’s been all along the way.  My husband was shocked when I told him this because he knows me to be someone who tends to over-think things and make them seem harder than they really are.  Moi?!!

Thank God, Buddha and the Order of the Sacred Lily for blessed partnerships!  Thanks, Beth! Read more

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