Exceptional Resource for Bloggers and Writers

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Filed under: linking, Writing Tips 

Roger C. Parker, Published & ProfitableThere’s a first time for everything.  First steps. First date. First kiss. First job. First blog post.  And the Breakfast Blogging Club is no exception.  Just last week we received our first ever link exchange request, shored up by a glowing review of our Quick Start Guide to Writing Your Blog. O.M.G.

Here’s what happened:  I received an email from Roger over at Published & Profitable complimenting us on the quality of the information we provide from our Quick Start Guide.  The email included a link to a post he wrote about the Guide on his blog, and concluded with a request to exchange blog rolls.

Being only slightly wary (it’s my online nature….okay, maybe a little offline, too), I clicked to investigate this unfamiliar phenomenon.  It took maybe a 5 seconds to be blown away by Roger’s prolific, and resource-rich website and blog.  Serving mainly non-fiction writers, he has compiled TONS and TONS of helpful material, links, articles, downloads and tools.  Truly a treasure trove for writers!

For our entrepreneur bloggers out there, look for his posts on Monetizing Your Blog and using Design to stand out.

Of course we said yes.  And in the interest of reciprocity and bathing in the generosity that pervades blogging culture, we added his site to our blog roll.  And to top it all off, I’m writing this post.

This will likely happen to you, too.  It may be necessary to initiate the connection like Roger did.  But as you consistently strive toward building a great blog – post by post – your online presence with expand and people will take notice.

Oh yeah, looking at out stats right after Roger’s post, the number of visitors to our site jumped 50%, and we increased the number of subscribers to our Quick Start Guide by over 10% in just 2 days.

Exchanging links with good humans……it’s an exceptional thing.


5 Comments on Exceptional Resource for Bloggers and Writers

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Breakfast Blogging and BethBarany, BethBarany. BethBarany said: Exceptional Resource for Bloggers and Writers http://bit.ly/9dcBr5 […]

  1. Roger C. Parker on Tue, 11th May 2010 2:43 pm
  2. Dear Cheryl:
    Thank you for your kind words–you have such a wonderfully warm and friendly way of writing!

    I especially appreciate your sharing your site’s stats.

    Best wishes on your continued success.


  3. Beth Barany on Wed, 12th May 2010 9:54 am
  4. Hi Roger, We so appreciate your shout-out to our Quick Start Guide. Thank you!

    Beth Barany

  5. Lloyd Lofthouse on Thu, 8th Jul 2010 7:19 pm
  6. I should visit your site more often. I just read Roger’s post and I want him to know that the California Writers Club Berkeley Branch has a Marketing Group and a Blog that goes with the group. I linked that Blog to this site long ago so our members would have your site as a resource for building their Blogs.


    Actually, I write several Blogs. My primary one is iLookChina. Thanks for the great info. I enjoyed the post about how many times to post.

  7. Cheryl on Fri, 9th Jul 2010 11:00 am
  8. Hey Uberblogger Lloyd,

    Thanks for the resource for writing and marketing – two topics we love, love, LOVE! It would be great to connect with you directly some time and hear about your adventures in China, writing and blogging. Thanks again. Cheryl