It’s Exciting To Be In Business!

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Filed under: Goals 

I Did It!!

Think about when you completed a big project, or achieved an important goal, or accomplished something that required a lot of effort – perhaps you had to overcome challenges and fear.

It felt terrific, didn’t?

I recently finished a project that I had been thinking about for many months.  I kept putting it off and putting it off – stopped by fear and that perfectionist gremlin that hangs out in my head WAY too often.  You know what I’m talking about.  But by making a commitment and declaring it to my coach, I gave myself a deadline and proceeded to get it done.  WOW!  Accountability to someone else can do wonders, eh?

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Starting The Blogging Breakfast Club

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Filed under: Marketing Tips, Welcome 

Hey, Cheryl here.

BBC imageWhile my lovely and talented colleague has written about some of the steps you can take to deal with the scary blank page, my role as one of your Breakfast Blogging Club servers is to provide some of the business & marketing aspects of blogging.

But first, a little background on how this venture got started.

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